Save Time Doing More

Ava does the monotonous tasks of messaging and appointment reminders, so you can focus on bringing smiles to your patients!

Estimated* Combined Time Saved last week:

2+ hrs

Online Scheduled

72+ hrs

Automated Texts

38+ hrs

Automated Emails

100+ hrs

Virtual Consults

31+ hrs


The Time Ava Saved

In September

311+ hrs

Automated Texts

Ava sent out almost 56,000 messages that not one single team member had to manually create and send.

She found them on her own and asked for permission to begin messaging patients.

214+ hrs

Automated Emails

18+ hrs

Online Scheduled

Completely Hands-Free Scheduling!

One of the Ava's most powerful features is the ability for patients to schedule online. If you use Cloud 9 or Dolphin, the online appointment goes straight to your schedule.

Many Patients schedule consultations only to come in and discover they need to take care of other non orthodontic- related treatment first.
Virtual consults let you screen teeth through pictures on the patient's phone. This saves you and the patient an hour by avoiding an in-person consultation.

199+ hrs

Virtual Consults

87+ hrs


Your time is valuable. In September, Ava reminded 23,804 patients of their appointments, allowing staff members to focus on patients and their treatment.

*Time saving measured as 30 seconds per message, 10 minutes per online scheduled appointment, and 1 hour live consult saved per virtual consultation.*